Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Problems with sleep have always been an issue for me.  As you can see its 2 a.m. and I'm still awake.  I go through periods where I sleep great.  I fall asleep easily and I get 6-8 hours of sleep.  Then I go through periods where I have difficulty falling asleep or I don't sleep at all.  Typically this is caused by the racing thoughts going through my mind during a manic episode.  The difficulty I'm currently having has been going on for about 3 days now.  It started out with having a hard time falling asleep.  Now I'm just not tired.  It concerns me because I don't want this to be the beginning of a manic episode.  The Seroquel I take has been doing a pretty good job at helping me sleep so I think I may just need my dose increased.  I see my psychiatrist on the 3rd and I'll talk to her about that.  Other then the sleep issue I've been doing pretty good.  I just want to get this under control before it turns into a bigger problem.  

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